Friday, November 29, 2013

My $46 dollar find...

Eyed it at the Princess Half last year but couldnt justify spending THAT much on a bag.. But couldn't turn it down for 75% off at the Black friday special at Property Control.. It is missing its Princess Half dangle but Ill be okay with that :) First time ever I own a 'purse' scary times...

Tree almost trimmed

Couldnt resist...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Festival of the Masters

The only pic of Food n Wine this year

I think I spent record time NOT at F&W this year.. I think I hit a total of 3 kiosks?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sometimes races aren't won but simply finished

and that sometimes is simply enough.

Two Worlds...

We don't have cool food like this at WDW...


Early Morning Run

Make a Wish

No excuses.. and I'm sorry

I wish I had an excuse for the lack of posts and pictures but I don't and for that I am sorry. I thought for so long my story had been told and there was nothing left to say but I've come to realize in the last few days that isn't true so I beg forgiveness as I start to find my photographic way again- and so um there is LOTS to catch up on (sadly not as many pictures as one would think :() anyways...