Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So I've been meaning for awhile to purge my pin collection and re-organize my traders.. and somehow today turned into that day. There is a reason I don't do it more than twice a year because its frustrating over how to organize the traders (character, trade ability, limited edition etc) and "do I *need* this pin" which is followed by "but its pretty" then "but it doesn't fit into any collection" back to "but its pretty" repeat times 300... then add in those pins that I think are pretty but their trade value is pretty much zero but they don't fit any collections, but I can't trade them away to lanyards cause they are shiny, sparkly, glittery, pretty etc...

No wonder I have a headache! But I have added 100 more to my trader book so I guess its been productive...

1 comment:

Ron said...

That is quite the collection. You have some cool pins there.